Rosey the Riveter

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Walk Around the Homefront in February

It's been over a month since our last walk, so I thought I'd do another on this gorgeous, 70 degree day!
 These plants have been inside so I moved them out for some real sun... There's a Meyer Lemon, a Tangerine, and an Orange.  There's also the Jalapeno which is slowly growing some peppers for me.  There's also a flower arrangement that was a house-warming gift from friends.  The Verbena are hanging in there (barely) and I noticed some seed pods amidst the dead stuff, so I'm hoping the petunias will start to grow again, too.
 These are the pathetic little carrots I mentioned in yesterdays post.  But they are producing, so I can't make fun!
 Tom Thumb and Little Gem lettuce I have growing off the deck rail.  I can't believe any of it survived, because the birds have been having a field day with it!
 Meet Jubilee and Sharpblue... they are blueberries especially for the South. 

 These are Batchelors Buttons that we winter-sowed.  They are loving it out there!
 I finally gave in and yanked up the huge thyme and oregano that were here when we moved in.  They were both getting old and woody, so it was time to replace them.  I also tore up the black plastic and mulched the plants that remain.  From top left, there's two rosemary bushes, a monster lavender that is only staying for the bees, a baby sage that I'm hoping will take, a cilantro that has seen better days, and parsley that seems to be doing well.  The clump in the middle is two chives and a garlic chive.  When we moved in, I had no idea what the garlic chive was.  After researching, I did correctly identify it... but when I removed the black plastic I found the original plant marker so now I know for sure!  The last plant is what is left of the mother-of-all sage bushes.  It probably also needs to be replaced, but I trimmed it back and am hoping to save it.
 Here are more carrots, and more jugs from the garden ghetto.
 This is Cindy Lou, the newest addition to the homestead.  She's a forsythia and she jumped into my cart at Home Depot the other day.  I had to bring her home.
 This was my first experience pruning roses, and I had not a clue what I was doing.  Hopefully, they'll survive.  Did you know the rose is the 2012 Herb of the Year?  I see more Rose Petal Jelly in my future...
 Garlic, Scallions, and Onions
 Sugar Ann Peas are popping through!
 These are the broccoli I planted in the fall.  They went dormant for the winter, but have begun producing side shoots like mad.  I can hardly keep up.
This is a close-up of the smallest plant.  I am planting DeCicco and Calabrese this year, but I have nothing bad to say about these Packman variety that I got at Home Depot.  They are certainly earning their keep.

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